The final product

20what you see here is the product of a very long struggle.

again, working for family or friends is the worst, and this is the product os working for my brothers DJ collective.

My brother, god love him, kept giving me directions such as “it just needs to be a little more different” and “make it feel a little older”

I am sure He knew exactly where he was going with this, but getting there was pure agony. In the end though I handed this in and he seemed somewhat happy with it.

to be honest, it doesn’t really live up to the standards I set for myself, but sometimes you just have to shut up and do what the client says.

working on this has reminded me why I am not a graphic designer, this kind of work is just not my cup of tea.

Another logo design


If there is one thing I hate, it is doing work for friends or family. You will never meet a more demanding and less greatfull audience.
I know this, yet I subjected myself to the horror of working for family, when my brother asked me to redesign the logo for his dj-group: Kali-Ma sound.
This was the inevitable conclusion that my brother and decided on, but getting to this point was agony.

a tentative start

17As those of you who have been following this blog, will know, I have a tendency of making a wild claims.

I will say that I am going to create something grand, that I am going to do something memorable or that I am going to better the world for good, but rarely will I follow through.

That is why I am announcing this new project with some trepidation.

I am working on a new project called “versions”

It is a casual time travel story, in which the protagonist has the opportunity of having a conversation with himself as an old man.

In a couple of weeks I will have a bit more for you to sink your teeth into, but for now, all I have for you is this logo.

exam day

14so, you might have been wondering why I don’t seem to be as consistent with my uploads as I used to. that is, if this isn’t the first time you visit my blog, however, if it is, welcome to my weird little corner of the internet.

Back to the topic at hand, the reason that I haven’t been uploading drawing as frequently as I used to this last week, is that I have been prepping for an exam. The good new is, that the exam was today and it went pretty well, so now I can go back to my regularly schedules uploading.

That is, if I hadn’t exhausted myself by working on the exam, which meant that the only thing I had the energy for today was two loads of laundry and allot of mass effect 3. That is why you get this hastily drawn self-portrait drawn left handed (I am a righty by nature)

working all day

13What you see here is basically what my day has been like. I have pretty much just been staring at a screen all day, with either blender, unity or Photoshop occupying all the space.

This somewhat dull way of spending a Sunday is in preparation for an exam that I have in a couple of days, that I am hoping to do well on… though I will accept anything above a passing grade.

accidental arya

11when you have a blog that you update daily, there is allot of doodling involved. most of it is terrible, and more often than not, the stuff that I deem medeocre is what end up on the blog.

What happened today was something of a new experience. I started this doodle of a girl, which is not exactly a new motif for me. However, as I drew it started to look like Arya Stark as played by Maisie Williams on game of thrones. It not at all intentional, but every now and again, stuff just turns out like that.

I am an ambassador

10I have been blogging for about 3 years now and so far it remains a very elaborate way of having a diary. In fact, so far, the only people who ever approach m,e about my blog is the occasional spam commentors.

So Imagine my surprise when someone actually noticed me, well it was my school, but still, that is something.

I got an email a couple of days ago asking whether I wanted to be an ambassador for my design school in the final year that I am attending it. It seems that they had read my blog and found it sufficient to represent their establishment.

As I didn’t think anybody read this thing besides myself, I was understandably surprised, but excited at the prospect. I now have a meeting on Monday, where I have to find out what an ambassador actually does, but I figures that i already blog daily, so how much harder can it really be?

back to school blues

09So I have been back at school for a little over a week doing nothing but theoretical work. In it’s essence I have been reading texts and then regurgitating those texts back at my school in a slightly altered fashion and I am good and tired of it.

I can’t say if it’s the school, the work or the fact that I am bored out of my mind, but something need to change soon. Preferably, I will be getting a new assignment of a practical nature or, better yet, the school will get the f**k out of my way and just let me get better at what I need to get better at.

Sadly, none of these things are going to happen and I have long since promised myself that I will sit the masters out, so I guess the best I can do is just live with it.

Exam sketches

08for the Last couple of says I have been spending allot of my time at the Design school.

I do this because I have a project I need to finish for my exam. In fact, I won’t be able to go to the exam if this project is not finished, so I have allot riding on this project.

This combined with the fact that the exam is on the 17th, is adequate to make me freak out just a little bit freaked out. Never the less, I promised myself that I would finish this project by the end of september I will be damned if I don’t reach that deadline.

Until then, I will just have to get used to working night at the school and look forward to october when everything will hopefully settle down a bit.