back to school blues

09So I have been back at school for a little over a week doing nothing but theoretical work. In it’s essence I have been reading texts and then regurgitating those texts back at my school in a slightly altered fashion and I am good and tired of it.

I can’t say if it’s the school, the work or the fact that I am bored out of my mind, but something need to change soon. Preferably, I will be getting a new assignment of a practical nature or, better yet, the school will get the f**k out of my way and just let me get better at what I need to get better at.

Sadly, none of these things are going to happen and I have long since promised myself that I will sit the masters out, so I guess the best I can do is just live with it.

the winter that does not seem to end


If any of my readers are from denmark, germany, france or really any of the countries in middle europe, you will undoubtedly be just as tired of Winter as I am.

Yep, we have passed easter and have gone into april and still spring is nowhere to be found. It kind of seems that the planet forgot how to perform the simple task of spring this year.

To mark the occasion of the winter that would not seem to end I decided to make a small illustration of the weather in denmark.

I am hoping that tomorrow will bring better weather, but until then, I will just have to live out the winter like everybody else

Winter, when will you leave


I am starting to get tired of winter.

I know that many of you out there feel my pain, but I still feel like it’s a point of view that needs to be expressed.

I live in denmark, which is in scandinavia, which is in the northern part of europe… that may be too specific. Anyway, it’s often cold up here. it is not unusual for us to have wet and rainy summers and cold and long winters.

still, by the end of march, we usually start seeing the small signs that the seasons are changing. It can be as small as a flower popping up, or that certain smell in the air, which tells you that the trees are waking up. Whatever the way, march is usually the time it happens.

However, not this year. As we are approaching April there is no sense f winter letting up. The snow still falls daily and honestly I am sick of it.

My first day of my internship


I have had kind of a long day, I admit.
I started my new internship today, where I hope to learn something about game development. Today, I did not so much, what I did have the opportunity solar was that this company seemed to be doing well and that I know next to nothing about project management.
Right about now, I am tired like he’ll, so I think I will hit they  bit hope to reach you in the morning winsome exciting stories fro  my life as an intern.