The final product

20what you see here is the product of a very long struggle.

again, working for family or friends is the worst, and this is the product os working for my brothers DJ collective.

My brother, god love him, kept giving me directions such as “it just needs to be a little more different” and “make it feel a little older”

I am sure He knew exactly where he was going with this, but getting there was pure agony. In the end though I handed this in and he seemed somewhat happy with it.

to be honest, it doesn’t really live up to the standards I set for myself, but sometimes you just have to shut up and do what the client says.

working on this has reminded me why I am not a graphic designer, this kind of work is just not my cup of tea.



Like most younger brother (I assume) I spend most of my childhood looking up to my older brother. Because I was always second to everything; every skill, every achievement and because my brother is a naturally charismatic guy, it was easy to really idolize him.

When my brother was 14 and I was 12, he became very interested in role-playing games. Not on the computer and not the sexual kind, but, good old fashion, 4 nerds around a table with a book and a game master.

My brother rarely let me play with him, he usually had friend over to play these games with or he would go to their houses. But the few times that I was actually allowed to take part in the role-playing games are some of my most vivid memories from my childhood.

That is how I got to know Andramir (seen above). Andrimir was an elf who by some fortuitous turn of events was spliced with a lion… or maybe it was a tiger, it has been a while since I thought about her.

My brother and I spend allot of time taking Andramir on adventures. So much so, that when she eventually died by an unfortunate roll of the dice, I became so angry that I locked myself in my room for hours. My mother eventually had to talk my brother into reviving the character so that I wouldn’t starve myself.