Versions – the graphic style

19A couple of days ago I explained that I am tentatively working on a new project that will take place in a world where you are able to meet older versions of yourself.

Since that post I have been struggling to figure out what the visual style for this project should be. I made this sketch to try and pinpoint the look of the project.

This design was heavily influenced by (on not copied from), Robin Davey. You can see Robins work here:

This drawing is not an example of the in-game graphics, but rather an idea for what the posters and screens that the player will meet in the game might look like.

I don’t quite know yet how the in-game graphics will look, but as soon as I know, I will share it on this blog.

The final product

20what you see here is the product of a very long struggle.

again, working for family or friends is the worst, and this is the product os working for my brothers DJ collective.

My brother, god love him, kept giving me directions such as “it just needs to be a little more different” and “make it feel a little older”

I am sure He knew exactly where he was going with this, but getting there was pure agony. In the end though I handed this in and he seemed somewhat happy with it.

to be honest, it doesn’t really live up to the standards I set for myself, but sometimes you just have to shut up and do what the client says.

working on this has reminded me why I am not a graphic designer, this kind of work is just not my cup of tea.

Tired days


I can’t tell you why, but ever since the conference I have been completely spent. It may be the influx of information or it may be the realization that the best place for me is the game industry,  whatever the reason, I have not been able to pull myself together since then,
To add to that, I decided to watch “indie game tge movie” today, which just made everything that much more overwhelming and the gest thing I could draw was this.