exam day

14so, you might have been wondering why I don’t seem to be as consistent with my uploads as I used to. that is, if this isn’t the first time you visit my blog, however, if it is, welcome to my weird little corner of the internet.

Back to the topic at hand, the reason that I haven’t been uploading drawing as frequently as I used to this last week, is that I have been prepping for an exam. The good new is, that the exam was today and it went pretty well, so now I can go back to my regularly schedules uploading.

That is, if I hadn’t exhausted myself by working on the exam, which meant that the only thing I had the energy for today was two loads of laundry and allot of mass effect 3. That is why you get this hastily drawn self-portrait drawn left handed (I am a righty by nature)

Mass effect 3



I Had the great fortune to receive “mass effect 3” at christmas. I was pretty into the other 2 games, as in I finished the 20 hours of play time on both games within a week, But I think I might have outdone myself with this one.

I started playing on december 30th and finished playing on january 2nd. Yep, I finished 25 hours of game ime in 4 days.

This is something of a feat for me, but I am not sure how to feel about the accomplishment, should I be proud that I finished a game in record time, showing tenacity that is unprecedented in the modern society or should I feel sa that I have basically been sitting cooped up in my apartment for 4 straight days glued to a screen…

Anyway, I regret nothing. This game was awesome! It even made it’s was into my top 3 games of all time along with “silent Hill 2” and “final fantasy 7”

The graphics were nothing short of breathtaking, the story was tight and really fun and the gameplay was challenging and varied. I really recommend this game to anyone who is looking for a productive way to spend the next 25 hours. However, What really set this game apart for me, was the gay opportunity.

As a gay man myself, I a used to seeing gay people portrayed in the media as laughable morons, who are really just there to add some comic relief to te main story. It can become frustrating, when you realize that this is the image that most people associate with homosexuality.

This is why I way really emboldened by the homosexual story line in “Mass effect 3” which was not only handled well, but kind of sweet. There was not a trace of stereotypes there, nor was a joke ever made at the expense of the gay characters, which was nice.

All in all, I cannot recommend this game highly enough

Mass effect 3


As you could probably imagine, I have spent most of today nursing a hangover.

That is why it is a cruel joke that I have to start fulfilling my new years resolution today, as I would probably be much better suited any other day.

That being said, I have actually had a pretty enjoyable day. I have been cruising the galaxy in Mass effect 3 (which in my opinion is the best mass effect game to date).

I have not moved away from my computer for about 6 hours. this really can’t be healthy, but fuck it, I am having fun.

… you can be gay in this game, it is a little slice of heaven for me