exam day

14so, you might have been wondering why I don’t seem to be as consistent with my uploads as I used to. that is, if this isn’t the first time you visit my blog, however, if it is, welcome to my weird little corner of the internet.

Back to the topic at hand, the reason that I haven’t been uploading drawing as frequently as I used to this last week, is that I have been prepping for an exam. The good new is, that the exam was today and it went pretty well, so now I can go back to my regularly schedules uploading.

That is, if I hadn’t exhausted myself by working on the exam, which meant that the only thing I had the energy for today was two loads of laundry and allot of mass effect 3. That is why you get this hastily drawn self-portrait drawn left handed (I am a righty by nature)

the broach

broachthis is a hat pin. if you don’t know what a hat pin is, then that makes the two of us. I guess it’s something you put on your hat. Maybe it’s something to keep your hat in place.

I grew up with this thing as the price of my mothers jewelry collection. I can’t remember her ever using it, but I was deeply fascinated by it. I thing this fascination stemmed from the fact that it kind of looked like a fancy wand.

I was never allowed to play with it, for good reason, but it still fascinates me to this day.