Cryogenic dev diary 02

Hi guys.

It is said that you never realise how messy something is, until jeg are knees deep in it. I find that this apples to Videogame development in a very real way, as I have been working on my game “Cryogenic” non stop and the work seems to be never ending.

I am by No means a perfectionist, but still, there is a mountain of work ahead of me. Never the less, I will soldier on and I will make this happen… even if it kills me.

and on that note, here is another still from the upcoming game:

Screenshot 2015-09-02 10.24.34

Development Diary 5


one of the things that we worked allot on was the design for our main character, We wanted her to seem vulnerable, but capable.

We had already decided that she was going be a young woman, but what kind of character she would be, was still up for grabs.

We started to look at characters from popular culture from which we might draw inspiration. we looked at heather from the third silent hill game, we re-watched Juno to look at Ellen Page’s Performance and we sat down and played “the last of us” to get a sense of Ashley Johnsons performance as Ellie. 

As Nice and fleshed out, as all of those characters are, we decided to go in a slightly different direction with our character. 

We wanted a girl who was less about the wisecracks and funny observations and more about the helplessness of being alone in the dark. 

We wanted a girl who was not a fighter, not a capable part of the world, not a strong woman, we wanted a scared little girl who was in way over her head.

With that in mind, we sat down and started to sketch out some character ideas, which is what you see above.

Development Diary 4





With a project like this, you go through several stages of development. One of the mayor stages that we struggled with and in fact are still working on, is the game design.

for a horror title as the one we want to make, you need a setting which is both open enough to encourage exploration, but closed enough that you don’t get lost or loose the thread of the story.

We spend the longest time toying with the idea of an open world setup, where the player would be allowed to wander around at random, giving them free range over the story point.

we eventually went away from that setup, as it didn’t really give us allot of freedom to structure the story the way that we wanted to.

for the game experience to be exactly what we wanted it to be, we eventually decided that creating a slightly more structured experience would enhance the enjoyment for the player and ultimately, the developer as well. 

Development Diary 3



So, this is another one of those early looks at the game that we are developing.

at this stage of the game (pun intended) we were still trying to figure out what kind of gameplay we were going to be implementing. 

Because we are a rather small team, we had to take all aspects of the production into the equation when trying to figure out what we were going to develop.

At the time, we were trying to figure out exactly how one might go about creating a unique world based on the tried and tested model that is used in games like amnesia, slender and outlast.

what you see above is one of the test drawing we did to explore that world.  

Development Diary 2



So, this is another one of those early looks at the game that we are developing.

at this stage of the game (pun intended) we were still trying to figure out what kind of gameplay we were going to be implementing. 

Because we are a rather small team, we had to take all aspects of the production into the equation when trying to figure out what we were going to develop.

At the time, we were trying to figure out exactly how one might go about creating a unique world based on the tried and tested model that is used in games like amnesia, slender and outlast.

what you see above is one of the test drawing we did to explore that world.  

Development diary 1


Over the last couple of months we at postmaster games have been developing a small video-game to test out our might at video-game development.

So far it is going well, as we are almost at the halfway point of our development cycle on the game which is currently called “unsafe”

What you see above is some of the early concept art for this title which is a horror based 2D puzzle adventure game.

we hope to be able to share more information with you as the development moves on.

please share this post master post, if you like what you see.

Keel character development part 4

char_11char_13char_14After allot of negotiation we finally arrived at a character design.

what you see above is the final design for the avatar for the character that will be running in the demo of the game, which we hope to have ready very soon.

I made this version of the game into the very straight man. There is nothing here that is even remotely of centre or weird, though god knows, I tried to give him some kind of edge, any really.

I think this process was very informative for me. As it turns out I will stretch a design brief to the very edge of its restraints just to see how far I can take something.

what I have heard people say in numerous occasions is “it better to be told to take it in, rather than be told to go bigger”. Simply meaning it’s better to insane on the first draught, than it is to stay safe throughout.