monsters university

07I watched monsters university today, which I have to say was not bad.

Now granted, I am really not into all of these sequels that pixar are pumping out. It kind of feels like they are trying to flesh out their old repertoire, rather than creating some new content.

that being said, for a sequal this was pretty decent and I especially liked the somewhat over enthusiastic mike that we meet at the beginning of the movie, which is shy I drew him.

animation app

So, I am no animator, I have never claimed to be. 

I have the deepest respect for animators and have actually pondered whether it animation was a career path for me in the past, but I had to realize that animation just sin’t for me. 

That being said, when I realized that the app “animation desk” had become available for my samsung galaxy note (with which I am in love, just so you know), there was no question whether or not I was going to download it. 

Now that I have had the app for about a week, it is more clear than ever, why I am not an animator. I have absolutely no grasp of the medium, my timing is off, squatch and stretch are words not in my visual vocabulary and never mind my drawing a straight line. 

Still, it is good fun to be able to make some old-school animation on a device which I have come to rely on so heavily.

If you want to see the animation, please click this link:




As I think I have mentioned, I am quite the disney freak.

for one thing, my favorite movie of all time, is the little mermaid, for another, it is killing me that I haven’t seen wreck it ralph yet (Seriously, I am dying to see that movie).

That is why I decided to be a bit self indulgent today and try my hand at picturing the moment before one of my favorite scenes in my favorite movie.

As those of you who have studied the little mermaid like I have will know, You never see Ariel choose or put on this dress, she just kind of shows up at dinner wearing this thing.

I thought this might have been one of those thrills of becoming human, wearing large ridiculous dresses.

cartoon network



I have allot of respect for the people at  cartoon network. In my opinion they are the entertainments unsung heroes.

Yesterday I kind of fell upon an episode of the power-puff girls. Of cause, being a 90’s kid, I had a huge rush of nostalgia, but once that had subsided I started to notice just how well done that show actually is.

The style is simple yet fun and the animation is kind of tight. More over the stories are well written and really just fun.

In my opinion this is a great show and I thought it could be fun to create a small piece of fanart, just for the heck of it. I hope you enjoy this.



Hopefully I won’t have to explain this post in great detail, but for those of you who require an explanation I will give one anyway.

This is my attempt at doping a bit of fanart of one of my favorite animated series. As you might have guessed, this is dr. zoidberg from futurama.

my top 3 list of animated series right now are:

legend of Korra

American dad

and, of cause, futurama

If there is anything I need to be watching, be sure to let me know


life is sour, buy a flower

This week we had an assignment at the design-school, which is unlike any assignment we have had thus far.

We were asked to come up with a new design for the danish association of gardeners and we had 24 hours to do so. This turned out to be allot of fun, especially because the time limit meant that we were allowed to just play around with stuff and have fun.

I decided to create a viral hit for the danish association of gardeners, which would put them on the map with a younger audience. What I decided to create was two posters and one animation/video based off of the popular meme “dafuq did I just read” (link).

Granted I may have gone a bit too far with my concept, but at 4 o’clock in the morning this seemed not only like a good idea, but also hysterically funny.

the sun

As I mentioned yesterday, I am currently working on a group project which centres around animation. Because we are 3 in this group, we have had to decide on a style of animation and sadly, My stile was not chosen as a front runner. My fellow team-mates found my stile a little to expected and Disney like. None of this was a surprise or an insult to me, as I enjoy both the expected and the Disney like, but it did pose a challenge for me.

I would have to abandon my own style for something new and different. this is how I came to draw this character.

Our animation really only has one character. this character is the sun and will play opposite the narrator who will be on screen throughout the animation (I know this sounds weird, but trust me, it will make sense when I upload the finished animation). I put myself in charge of character animation, which is awesome, because I love that kind of thing and luckily, this meant that I was able to draw this bad boy as well.

Now, all I have to do is animate him.