Keel character development part 1

char_02as some of you know I am currently doing an internship at the copenhagen based company Keel Solutions.

I have been helping them create a game that has the purpose of helping people get acquainted with offshore drilling.

We are currently working on a demo and in that process I have had to be helpful with everything from interaction to GUI design. One of my favorite parts of this process, by far, have been my involvement in design the avatar for the first version of the game.

As you can see above, we went far and wide in the first couple of sketches of the avatar. these were just quick 15 minute pieces to get a sense of where we were going. I showed these drawing to people in the office to let them chose which of the characters deserved to make it into the game.

By far the favorite, was the big brawny guy (the third from the left). He seemed to resonate with most of the office, which is full of guys.


emilyAs I have mentioned earlier, I am trying to teach myself unity and in that process, I will attempt to update a project that I never finished.

This is one of the first sketches of the main character to this project.

twitter sketches

It occurred to me that I have not been that good at uploading recently.

If I’m honest, I really only upload if I think I have something worth uploading, and these days I mostly do 10 minute and 5 minute colour sketches in photoshop.

I thought that might get a bit repetitive to look at, but if you are interested in that kind of thing, I do a couple daily on my twitter at:


I had the idea going into this project, that it would be a piece of cake. I have a stack of books at home full of concept art and it all seems so intuitive and easy, I thought that I would have no problem doing the same thing. I mean, how hard can it be?

as it turns out, very hard indeed.

Today I decided to get my thumb out of my ass and just do it. I reasoned that any little thing would be better than nothing. However, I think I might have been a little to hasty on that one. Everytime I tried to do anything, I just wasn’t feeling it.

I would start a drawing and stop quite quickly because I fond it banal or the perspective was of or I didn’t like the character. By the end of the day I had allot of half drawing and nothing I could really use.

well, that is how it goes I guess.All I can do is get up tomorrow and hope that I will do better then.