Kee character development part 3

char_07char_08char_09char_10After I was shot down with the big brawny character I decide to go all the way back. I decided that it might be good to make a character that mirrored an actual person one would find on an offshore drilling facility. So far I had just been going off of the vague assumption of a type.

I decided to work with the job description “tool pusher” which is a person who works on the deck of these facilities.

Because i had been so furiously critiques about the cliché value of my last character design I decided to go in the exact opposite direction with this new character design.

If a white muscular dude was too cliché, then a petite woman of color would be the polar opposite. I will agree that it was a controversial choice, but I will try and add some flavor to this game if it kills me.

Sadly, this character was also turned down. She was deemed to unrealistic, which I can see, since “tool puser” is kind of a roughneck job.

That meant that it was back to the drawing board for me.

Keel character development part 1

char_02as some of you know I am currently doing an internship at the copenhagen based company Keel Solutions.

I have been helping them create a game that has the purpose of helping people get acquainted with offshore drilling.

We are currently working on a demo and in that process I have had to be helpful with everything from interaction to GUI design. One of my favorite parts of this process, by far, have been my involvement in design the avatar for the first version of the game.

As you can see above, we went far and wide in the first couple of sketches of the avatar. these were just quick 15 minute pieces to get a sense of where we were going. I showed these drawing to people in the office to let them chose which of the characters deserved to make it into the game.

By far the favorite, was the big brawny guy (the third from the left). He seemed to resonate with most of the office, which is full of guys.