

I have been working on a zombie project for a couple of weeks now, but don’t worry, it’s not something you are going to see for a while.


Anyway, I have been working on creating the origin of this zombie infested world, without even once seeing if I would be able to actually draw a zombie.


As it turns out, I can. It may not be the best thing I have ever drawn, but It exists, and there is some thought process there… I mean behind the drawing, not in the zombies head.


Things to come


There is going be a bit of a change coming to this blog in a couple of days, so I thoughts only fitting to announce it, by going back to Kyle roots with a portrait.

The change that I am talking about, will come in the form of a series of concepts for a world ravaged by zombies.

Sadly cannot say much more about the subject for now, but if you stay w7th me, I will make it worth your while.

an introduction to Mort

I a currently working on a new project, which for once is independent of my school work.

To be honest, this is a project that I have had on the back burner for a little while, but I have decided to bring it out into the light now.

I call the project Mort and it is my very own post apocalyptic dystopia.

the pitch goes something like this:

the zombie apocalypse leaves the human population struggling for survival for over 150 years, until only a handful of human populated cities remain. heavily guarded, these societies are thrown back to the middle ages in terms of technology. The largest stronghold of these is Rome where the Vatican is the seat of power. One day the ruling pope has a message from god, that transforms the fate of the human race. The pope discovers how to harness power from the earth and the luck human race turns on a dime.
We pick up the story about 50 years later as the human race is trying to regain control of the earth by reclaiming lost territories one large city at the time. Our story follows a boy names Mort, as he is sent on a reconnaissance mission through sector 34D of saviour city along with a small group of like-minded teenagers.
believe me, it is allot more complicated than I am leading you to believe here; really.

currently, I am working hard on writing this story. I hope to have a couple of chapters ready for you soon, but until then I hope you will enjoy this drawing of one of my main characters, Nona