in order to practice composition and perspective I have started to draw frozen frames from movies.

This however presented a challenge, because you want a move that has some interesting set design and some awesome awesome cinematography.

To start of this little experiment I chose to work with Titanic.

The great thing about titanic is that is has some sublime set design that I can rip off enthusiastically. also there are some awesome disaster scene. the set design and amazing effects is almost enough to excuse the piss poor dialog and lackluster acting.

You can say much about james cameron, ut he has never been particularly original.

what movie?

I have done something bad.

asmost of you know, I have been working quite hard, In fact I have been working so hard that I barely have had time to go home and eat dinner. That is why I decided to take the weekend.

Yes, I decided to take a full weekend where I did not have to work at all It has been wonderful and terrifying. On one hand I have had time to do thing I haven’t done in ages, Like go swimming and have an actual dinner where I sit down with plates and cutlery and stuff, on the other hand it has made me realize just how much work I still have to do. the tunnelvision of the last three weeks has made me almost blind to anything but what I was doing at the time. the free time has give me an overview of the project and sadly that has made me realize a few thing.

Today is sunday and as such, the last day of my minnie vacation. It has been allot of fun, so I thought to finish the whole thing off I would challenge myself to draw something new.

what you see above is my rendering of a still from a movie. this drawing was really challenging to so, since I really don’t do environments that much.

ps. I will give a large virtual hug to the person who can tell me what movie this is a still form