

I have pretty much had had crush on cherry from studio killers since I saw the video for “ode to the bouncer” a couple of years ago.

I love the large girl with no apologies for who she is and how she looks. In an industry where there are so few positive role-models for girls to look up to, I think cherry stand for everything a girl should want to be: comfortable in her own skin, fiercely independent and sickening (for those of you who don’t speak gay, that means amazing).

With this in mind, I drew Cherry at the end of a saturday night, waiting for a slice of pizza.

Keel character development part 5

Screen shot 2013-06-13 at 13.27.30Screen shot 2013-06-24 at 16.18.43It took me a while, but When the final version of the character was locked down, I took to blender to try and create the character in 3D.

This was my first time ever working with 3D, which was a challenge in itself.

I chose to work in Blender, mostly because I have no money, which means that open source is the only way to go. That being said, I felt fortunate that I had no prior experience with 3D, so there was nothing to compare Blender to. Because I probably would have found the program wanting, if I had ever worked in any other program.

This wraps up the character development for the character I designed for the Keel game. We are still in development on the game, but I hope to show you the game soon.


as I have mentioned a couple of times, I am broke, so for the first time in my life I am living exclusively off of food I have fished out of a dumpster.

The phenomenon that I am currently taking part in is called dumpster diving and a person who eats exclusively from a dumpster is called a “freegan”. In my neighbourhood I have two dumpsters that I frequent, both belong to supermarkets in the same chain.

For those of you who are squeamish I would advice turning away now, because this might get a bit… descriptive.

I am not your average dumpster diver. Most people I know who do it are somewhat selective when they dive. Most only take things that you can be sure haven’t gone bad. Things like fruit and vegetables are therefore quite popular (and of cause candy, if you can find it).

I myself am not one of these squeamish divers (yes, I am shortening it down, because that is how cool I am) I take anything I can get my hands on. I luckily have a strong stomach, so I can eat most things, even still I do take some gambles every now and again.

For one, I never shy away from eating dumpster meat. I know that sounds gross, but hear me out; I never take anything that isn’t in it’s original packaging and I always sniff it as soon as I get home. I always cook the hell out of the meat that I get from these dumpsters and to this day I have never puked.

My life as a “freegan” (I kind of love that name by the way) has lasted a couple of months now and will probably continue until my financial situation stabilizes.