landscape struggle


I am entering my fourth year of drawing with the goal of becoming a concept artist.

To that end I wanted to prove to myself today that I would be able to do some landscape drawing that would actually look decent. I was under the assumption, that if I just spend enough time on a piece, it would turn out great.

It turns out I was wrong. after about and hour and a half, this was all I was able to cough up.

Luckily, I don’t have to be great right away, I just have to be good eventually, so I guess it’s just back to practicing for me.

the winter that does not seem to end


If any of my readers are from denmark, germany, france or really any of the countries in middle europe, you will undoubtedly be just as tired of Winter as I am.

Yep, we have passed easter and have gone into april and still spring is nowhere to be found. It kind of seems that the planet forgot how to perform the simple task of spring this year.

To mark the occasion of the winter that would not seem to end I decided to make a small illustration of the weather in denmark.

I am hoping that tomorrow will bring better weather, but until then, I will just have to live out the winter like everybody else