tentative tutorials – episode 1


This is a piece I did as a part of a small video game project that I am working (as the video suggest), but it also marks the first episode of my new tutorial series, which I have entitled “Tentative Tutorials”.

These videos will come out twice a week for the foreseeable future. I hope to be able to teach some people some stuff and make the internet a slightly more varied place, by adding my voice to it.

Elisabeth Comstock


I recently finished playing bioshock infinite in one intense 10 hour session and I have to be honset: It was all kinds of awesome.

In bioshock infinite you play Booker Dewitt a private investigator charged to bring a young woman (elisabeth, as seen above) to new york. He has to travel to the floating city of Colombia, where he runs into all kinds of trouble.

the thing I adore about video games is the possibility for new and interesting storytelling opportunities and in that respect bioshock infinite delivered.

It seems currently that every movie you see out there is a reboot, a prequel, sequel or an adaptation, which means that you have to look to other terms of entertainment to find the genuinely original. What the bioshock series have broad to the fold, since the first one in 2008, is an approach to storytelling that is not only fresh, but exciting.

That being said, I was a bit late to the game, and only played the first one this fall, which I quickly followed up with the second installment. Though those are both great games, I always found the world of rapture a bit limited. The halls were narrow and the set were small.

As a developer, I think these choices were smart, as they made a large game possible on a restricted budget; as a gamer however, it frustrated me that the visuals did not live up to the grendior of the story. This further annoyed me with the second installment of bioshock, which was, more or less, just a copy-paste job with improved graphics.

The big difference between this game and its predecessors is that this game has scope. Because it takes place it takes place in the floating city of Columbia, you really get a sense of scope, especially with the many scenes that you have to walk through. My favorite scenes are those depicting the propaganda set up by the villain in the game comstock.

so to sum up, how long it takes me is usually an indicator of the worth of a game, so 10 hours means absolutely cannot, and should not be, missed.