Frankie and Stein

2I have been working on an interactive comic over the last couple of weeks, which is now finally done. The comic is called Frankie and Stein and is about a young and lonely girl who creates a monster to keep her company. I would encourage you to check it out and rate the hell out of it. You can find it if you follow this link


I have a thing for feminist superheroes.

It probably doesn’t come as a shock, but the more butch and manly a female hero is, the more I like her.

What bothers me the most in comic-books, and more so in movies, is when artist make their female protagonist into a babe, when nothing about the character calls for it.

The movie “Wanted” with Angelina Jolie is a great example of this. in the movie Angelina Jolie plays an awesome assasin who is good at kicking ass and taking names. This involves allot of physical prowess, and in the movie Jolie looks as if she hasn’t eaten in weeks.

This means that whenever she punches a guy in the face and he falls to the ground, the entire scene looses its validity. She wouldn’t be able to punch anyone, she can barely hold her own arm up. At worst her punch would feel like someone throwing cotton-balls at you aggressively

So my question is, why can’t catwoman be a bit more muscular? I would think it would be necessary when she has to scale those buildings, and why can’t wonder woman be a Lesbian? everything about her seems to suggest it anyway.

My hope, is that some day I will be able to create a character that is awesome and has the appropriate musculature to support the action she get into.

page of a comic that will never exist


a couple of months ago I tried my luck with drawing one page of a twilight inspired comic. It went surprisingly well, but for some reason I never followed up on it, so today I decided to check out if I would be able to do the same again.


I had allot of fun with this work, even if it isn’t the most inspired in the world. I might even take this further and make a full comic… I might, no promises.