no more group work

03As I touched upon yesterday, I have been doing a project for school for the last couple of weeks that really took it out of me. As a matter of fact, I am still reeling on the heels of it. But as you know, if you follow my blog, there is no rest for the wicked, and I am definitely wicked.

So I have started a fun little playful concept art project. The only real thing I know about this project is that I know nothing about this project.

I call this girl “the survivor” but in truth i don’t know who she is or what she has survived from. Honestly, this character came form the playing “the last of us” and realizing that there were no happy people in that game. I know they were all struggling to survive, but one cheerful character wouldn’t have killed them. Or maybe it would.

I made this girl to add an asian character to their roster. A cheerful Asian girl, as a matter of fact.

I don’t know if I am going to work further with this girl. maybe she will become the character I work on for the next couple of weeks, maybe she is just a one-stop sketch for today.

Only time will tell.