the worst insulin pump ever designed

insulin yesterday I was at a lecture on interaction design.

The speaker was the creative director of Ideo (which is a interaction design consulting firm), and he talked allot about the esthetic value of product. He argued that when creating something, you should think of form as well as function. This might not have been a very groundbreaking statement, but it did lead me to making this design.

At some point during the lecture he brought up insulin pumps, and I figured that I would create the worst insulin pump that I could come up with. the only thing it needed was to be kind of pretty.

So here it is, the worst insulin self-injection pump in the world. I am pretty sure that this machine would inject you with a lethal dose of insulin if you actually attempted to use it, so it might be good for those suicidal diabetics out there. for the rest of you though, I would stay away from this design.