dancing through life


there are the good days, where I make pieces that I am proud of, there are the bad days where I seem to make nothing of any consequence and then there are the other days.

I simply can’t say what this is. It’s not outright bad and I am not embarrassed by it I also have no idea what it is and why I drew it. One an say that it just kind of happened.

Flower in a chrome pot


As sone of you may gave noticed, I don’t always have allot of time to draw. At least I don’t have as much time as I would like. That is why, when I actually find the time, I like to challenge myself as much as I can.
That is how I came to draw this setup, as a way to get the juices glowing and maybe remind myself that I actually can draw things otger than cutesy looking disneyesque characters.

Diego Velazquez

diego velazquezAs you have probably noticed from my blog, I get down pretty hard on myself.

I am never happy with my own progress and I always know that I can do better.  this may have something to do with my childhood. Not that I had a tiger mom or anything like that, I just had the great fortune to be exposed to allot of art in my childhood.

Because no one else in my family had any interest in classical art, my mother would bribe me with hot chocolate to go with her to galleries.

that was when I first fell in love with art. It would take me some manner of years to pursue any of it myself, but from a young age, I loved the classical masters… well, that is to say, any of the classical masters that had portraits of princesses in huge gowns. Did I mention that I was very in to barbies as a kid?

Anyway, I thought that I would pay homage to one of these artist, one that is still my favorite to this day: Diego Velazquez.




I really don’t think I am a particularly talented artist, well at least not yet.

I see myself a a talent in development, and as part of that development I try to draw for at least an hour a day.

Ever since I bought my galaxy note 10.1 my focus has shifted to still lives, as it allows me to really just draw anything that is in front of me. Armed with the application Layerpaint, I have committed these drawing in the last month

winter solstice

I kind of love Christmas. I know it’s corny and I should be much to old for it, but honestly I just love the whole pageantry of it.

But I kind of have a weird relationship to the motives behind Christmas.

I personally don’t celebrate Christmas, that is, I don’t celebrate the birth of Christ. Firstly, because he was born in April (I believe this is a fact) and secondly because I am not really religious in any way.

Not to say say anything despairing about religion, I am just not a fan of any set of rules that seek to restrict my life. Of cause it doesn’t help that I am gay and that is frown upon by most major religions.

So why do I celebrate with my family at the end of December if I don’t celebrate Christmas?

Well, believe it or not, in Denmark people have been celebrating Christmas, or as we call it “jul”, long before we were converted to Christianity. Actually one of the reasons for putting Christmas near the end of December was to have it coincide with the pagan winter solstice celebration.

Denmark in the winter is so sad, grey and cold that there isn’t much to look forward to. This is actually one of the reasons that I hate the annual death march that is January and February. These are months when it is just cold and not fun to be a Dane.

The reason that I can get through November and December is the fact that I have Christmas to look forward to.

So on December 24 when I eat myself silly, sing Christmas carols and receive gifts from people I care about, I will not be celebrating the birth of a deity, but rather the turning of the seasons. That for me is something to get excited for… damn, I miss summer


Today I decided to pose myself a challenge. I thought it was about time that I tried something new, since I have been doing these still lives for a couple of weeks now.

That is why I decided to work with reflection and immediately wished I hadn’t. Damn, reflections suck. Reflections really pose a series of problems, not only do you have to work with a skewered perspective and the reflective properties of everything around you, you also have to draw your own terrible posture trying to draw the damn reflection.

all in all, This might not be my best work, but don’t hate me, I was just trying something new

another boot

It might not show, as a matter of fact I’m quite sure it doesn’t show, but these workds that I have been sporting for the last couple of days are realle damn hard to do.

The combonation of light, shape and color can be and often is a bitch to get down just right. That is why, when you do it right you are elated beyond reason… and also why you feel like killing yourselkf after 3 hours of fruitless work.

Today was one of the latter days.