the process


this is another bit of concept art from the project that I am kind of working on right now. I still don’t know anything about the story, but I think I am getting closer to a look that I like.

For once I will let the look of the project dictate the story, so maybe this is a zombie story, maybe it is a story of survival or maybe it is a story of exploration.

The great thing about this process is that I still don’t know.

All I know is that I am having allot of fun drawing these, even if they are less than impressive.


131One of the things that I have the hardest time drawing, is actually the the thing that most people who don’t know how to draw do.

Because I have been practicing so furiously for the last couple of year, I have more or less lost the ability to draw from imagination. Whenever I do, the drawing I create look like assignments that you would be given in school… the boring kind.

I have pledged a few times to better myself and draw from imagination, but whenever I try I just revert to what I am comfortable with, namely portraits and practice.

Anyway, I am sure I will get out of this funk soon, and then I will be creating stuff like you have never seen. Until then, please enjoy this portrait with my compliments