

Hi guys and girls

Those of you who know me, know that I have been blogging on a semi daily bases for a couple of years now.

I have had allot of fun doing that and I have definitely learned allot, but now I figure it is time for a change.

I have decided that these dull stories about my meaningless life and the glorified practice drawings that follow along with it, aren’t really going to cut it anymore.

That is why, starting sunday the 5th of january, there will be a new kid in town.

That kid is called mort and over the next 2 weeks I will enlighten you as to exactly who that is.

So please go over to and enjoy the ride.




This is actually not my first drawing of this character. In fact, I have drawing her a few times in the history of the blog and I encourage you to scroll down to find those drawing.

However, this is the first time I have drawn this particular character since really starting to take myself and this project seriously.

What I am realizing with this project, is that I an fact have very little idea of what it is that I want to create, so though I have a story, which need many revisions, I don’t really have a product.

That is why I am trying to figure out what kind of book/game/story/movie I want to create and just how these things fit together.

So, in short, while this particular drawing is a step in the right direction, it is far from the goal.


… By the way, thank for sticking with me through such a scattered post, I will be back with something more fun in the morning.



As I said yesterday, I will be spending the next couple of weeks immersed I  a active world. I can now reveal that the world that I will go into is that of Mort.

For those of you not in the know, Mort is a story that I have bee  working on for maybe a year now. We’ll, to be honest, it is a story that has Beemer on the backburner for a year now. I justbeca e so annoyed with myself a d my inability to commit to this story, that I decided I would spend a month completely immersed it.

What you see above, is one of ten most important characters in that story. Her name is Nona, and she is a small girl who is tough as nails. When the main character Mort meets her  however, she does not seem all that hard-core, this is an assessment that he comes to regret.

This is a first draft, so there is still some development to be had.

an introduction to Mort

I a currently working on a new project, which for once is independent of my school work.

To be honest, this is a project that I have had on the back burner for a little while, but I have decided to bring it out into the light now.

I call the project Mort and it is my very own post apocalyptic dystopia.

the pitch goes something like this:

the zombie apocalypse leaves the human population struggling for survival for over 150 years, until only a handful of human populated cities remain. heavily guarded, these societies are thrown back to the middle ages in terms of technology. The largest stronghold of these is Rome where the Vatican is the seat of power. One day the ruling pope has a message from god, that transforms the fate of the human race. The pope discovers how to harness power from the earth and the luck human race turns on a dime.
We pick up the story about 50 years later as the human race is trying to regain control of the earth by reclaiming lost territories one large city at the time. Our story follows a boy names Mort, as he is sent on a reconnaissance mission through sector 34D of saviour city along with a small group of like-minded teenagers.
believe me, it is allot more complicated than I am leading you to believe here; really.

currently, I am working hard on writing this story. I hope to have a couple of chapters ready for you soon, but until then I hope you will enjoy this drawing of one of my main characters, Nona